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CAA's annual Worst Roads campaign gets roads fixed!

Poor roads affect us all. They make us late, cause delivery delays, damage our vehicles and, most importantly, can endanger those who use them.

Each year, CAA invites Manitoba drivers, cyclists, transit riders and pedestrians to participate in the CAA Worst Roads campaign and tell us which roads need improvement. Over the years, we have heard about potholes, congestion, poor road signs and other safety concerns. Nominating a road in your community provides us with an important snapshot of the state of our roads. CAA uses this list to advocate on your behalf to government, and key decision makers, to prioritize maintenance and infrastructure investment. And it really works!

Since 2012, CAA's Worst Roads campaign has influenced real change, leading to swift and coordinated responses from various levels of government. We can't do it without your help; have your say!

Together, we can make Manitoba's worst roads better.

Nominate CAA's Worst Road March 18, 2025 - April 11, 2025.
Road with a Road Closed sign

Nominate for a chance to win!

Has a bad road affected your commute to school or work? Has a pothole caused damage to your car? Have you had to swerve, brake sharply or change your route due to a bad road?

Nominate your Worst Roads by April 11th at caaworstroads.com. Your nomination enters you for a chance to WIN* FREE GAS for a year. Nominate your Worst Roads today!