Help When You Need It
Our emergency roadside service is the number one reason people join and remain a Member of CAA Manitoba.
Get Roadside AssistanceFind the Sign You Can Trust
Inspected and approved repair facilities across North America.
Find an AARS LocationCAA to the rescue!
At CAA Manitoba we're here to help you stay on the road, 365 days of the year, 24 hours a day. Whether it's changing a flat tire, testing and boosting a battery, unlocking your doors or towing, we'll help you get on your way regardless of whose car you are in!

Auto services
CAA Approved Auto Repair ServicesTM are available at facilities throughout Manitoba.

Buy or sell your vehicle
Advice on buying or selling a vehicle, what needs to consider and tips on how to go about it all.

CAA Battery Service™
CAA Battery Service is convenient, fast, affordable and a popular benefit of being a CAA Manitoba Member.

Learning centre
Information on maintaining your vehicle, also driving & safety tips to help keep you on the road.

Need a repair shop?
CAA's Approved Auto Repair Services (AARS™) is a network of repair facilities that have been appraised, approved and recommended by CAA.
Find an AARS Location
ERS reimbursements.
Learn what is covered under your membership level and find out more about our reimbursement policy if CAA is unable to service your emergency call.
Learn More