Claim processes.
Due to high volumes, wait times may be longer than usual when trying to reach us by phone. Rather than waiting on hold, you can start a claim online or by email, using the links below. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Make a claim over the phone:
1-888-493-0161 in Canada and mainland U.S.
1-519-988-7044 collect from anywhere else.
Make a claim by email:
Make a claim online:
Through our trusted partner, Global Excel Management (GEM). Please note you will be asked to create or log in to your account.
Make a claim by mail:
CAA Travel Insurance
Global Excel Management
PO Box 308 Station A
Windsor, Ontario N9A 6K7
CAA Assistance1 will open your claim and provide you with a case number and the appropriate claim form.
If you have lost your claim form, please click here to download your applicable form.
- Download Baggage Loss, Damage and Delay Claim Form
- Download Emergency Medical and Travel Accident Claim Form
- Download Rental Vehicle Damage Form
- Download Trip Cancellation Claim Form
- Download Trip Interruption Claim Form
- Download Visitors to Canada Claim Form
For COVID-19 related trip cancellation and interruption claims:
Step 1: Contact your travel supplier immediately to cancel your travel plans.
Step 2: Have your travel supplier send confirmation that the travel plans were cancelled, including cancellation and refund policy.
Step 3: To initiate a claim, visit CAA Assistance.
- A completed Medical Expenses Claim Form (provided by CAA Assistance upon notification of claim).
- For accidental dental expenses you must provide an accident report from the physician or dentist.
- Original itemized bills from the licensed medical provider(s) stating the patient’s name, diagnosis, date and type of treatment, and the name, address and telephone number of the provider, as well as the original transaction documents proving that payment was made to the provider. (For Canadians covered by GHIP, copies of itemized bills are accepted only if the Insured has already dealt directly with GHIP.)
- Original prescription drug receipts from the pharmacist, physician or hospital indicating the name of the prescribing physician, prescription number, name of preparation, date, quantity and total cost.
- For out of pocket expenses: an explanation of expenses accompanied by the original receipts.
In addition to the items required under Trip Cancellation & Interruption Insurance, you must also submit:
- Satisfactory evidence that you have booked and paid for a replacement trip.
- An itemized CAA Travel Agency invoice, for the replacement trip, showing fares, deposits, travel dates, final payment and date thereof.
- A copy of the CAA Travel Insurance2 policy for the replacement trip and the name of the CAA travel professional.
Benefits under this insurance coverage are payable to you unless you authorize and direct the Insurer, in writing, to pay the eligible claim amount to a third party.
- A completed Trip Cancellation & Interruption Claim Form (available by contacting CAA Assistance at 1-888-493-0161). We need proof of the cause of the claim, including:
- If your claim is for medical reasons, a medical certificate completed by the attending physician stating why travel was not possible as booked and a copy of the entire medical file of any person whose health or medical condition is the reason for your claim; or
- A report from the police or other responsible authority documenting the reason for the delay if your claim is due to misconnection.
- Original invoices and receipts.
- Original tickets.
- Other supporting documentation as requested.
- For cancellation due to natural disaster, accident on the way to departure, jury duty, subpoena, transfer or involuntary loss of employment: a legal certificate (police report, the summons and/or subpoena, record of employment) confirming the circumstances of the cancellation and a letter from your employer (if applicable).
- For penalties: a copy of the travel supplier’s or the airline’s publication confirming the cancellation penalties imposed.
- For default coverage: written notice of claim must be submitted within 60 days of the day on which the travel supplier announces that it is in default:
- Copies of receipts and proofs of payment to travel suppliers;
- Copies of unused transportation or accommodation documents; and
- Where appropriate, evidence of claim to or reimbursement from any federal, provincial or other compensation fund or any other source (including credit card companies) that is legally responsible or under contract to reimburse you for the cost of the undelivered travel services.
- A completed claim form (available by contacting CAA Assistance).
- For loss:
- a report by the police or the hotel manager, tour guide or transportation authorities in whose custody the insured property was at the time of loss;
- adequate proof of loss, (original purchase receipts, original replacement receipts or original replacement estimates on store stationery or letterhead) ownership and itemized value.
- a Property Irregularity Report when luggage is lost or damaged while in the custody of the airline or common carrier.
- For baggage delay you must supply proof of delay of checked baggage from the common carrier and original receipts of purchase:
- original itemized receipts for expenses actually incurred;
- a copy of the baggage claim ticket;
- a copy of your airline or common carrier ticket;
- verification of the delay of checked baggage from the airline or common carrier including the reason and the duration of the delay; and
- a copy of the delivery receipt.

Claim status.
We will keep you informed about your claim by periodically checking the status and addressing any further issues that may arise.

We settle your claim quickly, fairly and accurately and strive to minimize the disruption in your life.