Stranded Driver
Emergency Car Kit Checklist
In case your travels take an unexpected turn, you'll want to be prepared by having the following items in your vehicle:

- Cell phone with charger
- Pencil and notebook
- Vehicle owner's manual
- Emergency service information
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- Drinking water and snacks
- Booster cables and tire pressure gauge
- Flares, warning triangles or reflectors
- Brightly coloured flag or scarf
- Windshield washer fluid and wiping cloth
- Coolant and fire extinguisher
- Ice scraper, snow brush & snow shovel
- Blanket
- Candles and waterproof matches
- Umbrella
- First aid kit
- Your CAA Membership card
Important numbers.
Police and Ambulance
Manitoba Public Insurance Claims
CAA Roadside Assistance
Winnipeg: 204-262-6000
Cell: *222
Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.