If you lost everything you owned, would you remember each item and its value from memory? We don't like to think about the potential harm that can come to our homes, but we also like to be prepared. That's why we get insurance.
That's also why a home inventory is important. Having a detailed list of your possessions ensures you have proper insurance coverage in the event of a burglary, fire, flood, or any other catastrophic event. It is important for getting the right insurance coverage and helpful if you should need to make a claim. With many of us spending more time at home due to social distancing, if you are cleaning or doing minor home repairs, now is also a good time to take a home inventory or update the one that you have.
If you're just starting out, creating a home inventory is a relatively easy task. But if you've lived in your home for years, the task might seem a little daunting. These tips will help you create a home inventory with relative ease.
What's the best way to record a home inventory? Pencil and a notebook? An electronic spreadsheet? There's even a number of mobile apps that can help you create a home inventory. Do what you find easiest. No matter which method you choose, be sure to also take photos or shoot a video for visual documentation.
You'll find it easy if you take the inventory room by room, perhaps doing a room or two each day until your whole home is documented.